
Reverie - n. a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream or fantasy; a visionary or impractical idea

"To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,—
One clover, and a bee,
And revery.

The revery alone will do
If bees are few." - Emily Dickinson

Sunday, July 1, 2012

This Week in Corvallis Beekeeping...

What a fun week to be a beekeeper in Corvallis.  At our monthly bee association meeting, Ethan Bennett from Honey Tree Apiaries gave a demonstration on honey extraction.  Yum.  Yes, he looks familiar. You've sampled his honey at the farmer's market.  Or maybe you're like me and try some every week, even though you already know what it tastes like.  Thanks for allowing persistent repeat samplers, Ethan!

Dennis showed us how to use an electric knife to uncap honey for extraction. 

If you want to see what a group of hungry vampires looks like, come to a beekeeping meeting where there are uncapped frames of honey. 

I also went to a bee field day hosted by the OSU Honey Bee Lab.  That's Ramesh Sagili - OSU professor and general honeybee badass - with the microphone.  And those are lots of people in white suits.
I mentioned this incredible bee garden in an earlier post.  The Warre hive has an observation window and I peeked inside. 

Unfortunately it rained almost the entire time, but bees can stay dry under umbrellas just like we can.  That's Heike Williams from Wild Harvest Honey giving the demonstration.  If you buy your honey bulk at the Co-op it comes from her and her husband Kenny.  Look at her chaps!  And that's Beeman on the right. 

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